Sunday, February 26, 2012



At the moment NOMO’s advertising has been minimal. In Helsinki word-of-mouth type of promotion has been quite effective, because the owners of NOMO have extensive networks in the city. The fact that NOMO is a Finnish brand might add to the number of interested as well. However, when going to the Swedish markets the company needs to take a whole different approach. Advertising in social media is an important part of the marketing, but alone it is not enough. NOMO has to create a multi-channel strategy. Here are some alternatives, which need to be analyzed and the best options chosen.

  •       Amelia (Sweden’s largest women’s’ magazine)
  •       Elle Swedish edition
  •       Hennes
  •       Damernas värld
  •       Cosmopolitan
  •       Femina
  •       Glamour


Our research has showed that also segments 2, 3 and 4 use social media (in a way relevant to NOMO), although not so extensively as segment one.
  •       Facebook
  •       Blog writings > recognize most important bloggers to NOMO> build relationships with them, for example “a nice discount-a nice story” deals and invitations to NOMO events
  •       Twitter
  •       Paid ads
  •       Google optimization

Tourist/ city guides and brochures

Outdoor advertising

Events ?

Celebrities ?

1 comment:

  1. Hey,

    I really liked this post. :)

    When I was walking through Kamppi today, there was a promoter giving NOMO-flyers and 15% discount vouchers to people. That could perhaps be done in Swedish shopping centres as well!
