Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Cultural dimensions: Sweden

Our first market to look at in terms of Hofstede’s cultural dimensions is Sweden. The picture shows Sweden’s scores for each of the five dimensions together with Finland’s results.
In words this is what the Swedish culture is like according to Hofstede’s research:



  1. Hi all,

    This is your consultant, Antti :-)

    Hofstede's theory of cultural dimensions is a nice starting point to understand possible consumer differences and preferences between Sweden and Finland. If you would like to go further in that, have a look at Fons Trompenaar's / Charles Hampden-Turner's work, too. I was expecting some comparative conclusions from the figures and the description, so you could add that next? Also remember to mention your sources in the blog as well when you make direct quotations from somewhere :-)


    - Antti

  2. Hi all,

    I am your next consultant, Dominika.

    I totally agree with Antti - good point to explore Hofstede's theory. It is all described very well.
    However, you mentioned before that you are going to look for similarities and differences between these two markets - domestic one as Finland, and new one as Sweden. Therefore, I would add there some information about how it is going in Finland, even though, we can suppose, that these markets may be similar, there can be some differences and points where should be careful. Just connect it a little bit together and highlight summary.
    I hope, you understand what is my point :)


  3. Thank you for your comments!
    The sources are now added, and conclusions are coming soon.

  4. Hey team NOMO,

    An interesting text, I learned many new things about the characteristics of the Swedish market!

    There is one thing I am still pondering: how did you get the picture illustrating the scores of Sweden and Finland? (did you collect data from some sources and made the comparison by yourself? if so, then it is very impressive!)

    Hopefully in your future posts we'll get some analysis of/reflections on how these cultural dimensions of Sweden identified above might affect NOMO's performance on the market.

    You're doing good job!

  5. Hey again :)

    Thank you for the interesting analysis of Swedish market. As the other consultants I'm also looking forward to see how these findings might affect to NOMO's performance on the particular market.

    Have you thought about the marketing and entry strategy yet? It is going to be interesting to see what kind of distribution channels you will recommend at your final recommendation!

    Hope to hear from you soon...
