Monday, February 20, 2012


1.     Female/male

2.     Age

a.     20-25       e.     41-45
b.     26-30       f.      46-50
c.     31-35       g.     51-55
d.     36-40       h.    56-60

3.     Which of the following media you use or follow?
a.     Facebook
b.     Twitter
c.      Blogs

4.     Do you live in Stockholm?
If you answered no, how often do you visit Stockholm?­­­­­
a.     Weeekly
b.     Monthly
c.      Yearly
d.     Less than once a year
When you go to Stockholm, do you normally do some shopping (clothes etc.)?

5.     What is your favourite jeans brand?                                                   

6.     Where do you buy your jeans?                                                   ____

7.     What is the most important criteria when buying jeans?
a.     Fit
b.     Style
c.      Price
d.     Brand
e.     Quality
f.      Durability

8.     Would you be interested in custom-made jeans?

9.     Do you think 136 € is a reasonable price for custom-made jeans?


  1. I think it's a very good idea to conduct a consumer survey! it's a great idea to get some unique data included in this project.

    When publishing the results, remember to mention also the practical facts e.g. what was the initial object of the questions, how the survey was done and how big was the sample.

    Generally, having some kind of introduction in the beginning of each post (for example, 'in order to investigate bla bla, we conducted a market survey and asked the following questions' bla bla) would make your blog more coherent and help the reader to follow it.

    cheers, Janina

  2. Hi,

    I totally agree with Janina. Please kindly have some kind of introduction in the future :)

    On the other hand, the survey looks interesting, but is also really confusing as it has been straight copied "9." from your survey webpage.

    Waiting to see the results of your survey! Hopefully we can also see your recommendations soon.

    Br. Lauri
